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When they realized there was something they could do for her, Regina firefighters delivered a surprise to Diana Duke, the woman who had been visiting them weekly.

When you have a chance to pay back a person who cares about you, it’s an opportunity you can’t miss. A group of Canadian firefighters took their opportunity to show gratitude to a lovely lady, who had consistently showed them her love with her actions.

68-year-old Diane Duke, a cafeteria cook, dropped off leftover food every Friday for 13 years at the Regina Fire Station in Saskatchewan, Canada.

Then, one day, the firefighters came back and gave back.

Chris Prohar Seizes an Opportunity to Pay Back Their Debt


Regina firefighter Chris Prohar, who works for a roofing company on the side, was working on a house across the street form Diane’s. Her son, Chris Duke, walked over to get an estimate for his parents’ roof. When Prohar realized who Chris’ mom was, he had an idea.

Prohar gathered a group of firefighters to do the roofing job at no cost, and Dynamic Roofing and Kenroc helped by donating the supplies.

“She’s an incredible lady,” Chris sadi. “She’s been looking after us for so long now, we consider her family and it’s our pleasure to take care of her.”

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Duke didn’t just drop off the food. She gave the firefighters kisses and hugs and lent an ear for them to talk. Some of the firefighters would even change shifts or wait around after their shift to see her. But after retiring, to take care of her ill husband, Lorne, who has post-polio syndrome, she hadn’t been visiting weekly.

“I was shocked, but so happy,” Diane told TODAY. “I brought them food out of the goodness of my heart and never expected anything in return.”

The Roofing Was an Occasion to Celebrate a Wonderful Lady

Chris Duke was touched by all the stories he heard about his mom and was happy to help organize the surprise. He told his mom that he needed her to cater a meeting at his office the day they were installing the roof. Instead, she had food for the firefighters.

“Listening to these guys’ stories made me realize how much she touched everyone,” her son reflected.

After three hours of putting a new roof on the house, everyone sat down and ate together, again.

All great deeds are eventually recognized. Keep being the greatest version of yourself, and living in service to others. It’ll pay off in ways you can’t even imagine.


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